
Beer + Burger, King’s Cross

April 9, 2019

BEER AND BURGERS, BURGERS AND BEER! It basically does what it says on the tin, extremely well! If you’re after a bit of food porn for your Instagram, Beer + Burger is the place for you. They serve mouth-watering American inspired burgers and I’m no expert on beer but they tell me it’s ‘the best beer on the planet’ so it must be true! It’s definitely one for the beer snobs but all I can tell you is that I had a ‘Beavo’ and it was great, very beery… If this description doesn’t quite cut the mustard (burger humour), and you’re looking for some knowledge that’s a little more specialised, the Dalston and Willesdon stores run a Bottle club where they ‘learn, talk + drink beer’ at 7pm on the third Wednesday of each month. It costs £10 per session and includes 4 amazing beers, and apparently ‘it’s like a book club, but better’.

There is not much to say about the interior other than it is minimalist with a multi-tap wall (20 taps), fridges full of beer (150 bottles and cans), booth and bench seating and plenty of pink neon lights. It is very modern and functional, keeping the dining experience very casual (the food comes on trays), and let’s the beer and burgers be centre of attention.

On that note, back to the burgers! I had a bacon cheeseburger, couldn’t quite stretch my appetite for a double sadly, fries, chicken wings, and mac balls. Anyone that knows me will know that this is my food heaven, two of my favourite foods are chicken wings and macaroni cheese! The burger was everything you want in a burger; meaty, cheesy, and so juicy that you scoff it down as quickly as humanly possible as the meat juices run down your wrists…disgusting, but delicious!

The buffalo wings were sticky, very messy and also incredibly spicy. I admit that I am a wimp and my nose runs when I have anything other than a Korma, but these were particularly spicy so I recommend getting a refreshing beer if you hadn’t already! The mac balls were golden and crispy on the outside and soft and cheesy on the inside, it doesn’t get any better than that!

Now if that’s not food porn I don’t know what is!

If you happen to have a vegan friend and have for some reason decided to go to a juicy, meaty burger bar with them, they do have a vegan burger that I have been told was very tasty (by the vegetarian friend I went with). They also have a running club (if running 10km is your thing, it’s not mine) that meets monthly, run 10km and then have a beer together afterwards (on the house). If you would rather not subject your body to torture but do enjoy free things, they also have a ‘Best Friend Tuesday’, where on the last Tuesday of every month you bring your friend with you and Beer + Burger buy their burger (use that to convince your vegan friend to join you).

Beer + Burger was a glorious find, and I will 100% be returning the next time hangover hits, for more comfort food heaven!