
Indulgent Mississippi Mud Pie

August 26, 2020

This is the indulgent dessert to end all indulgent desserts, I guarantee you will not be disappointed (provided you’re a fellow chocoholic). Starting at the bottom with a dark buttery Oreo biscuit base, moving up to a beautiful flourless chocolate fudge cake layer, topped with a smooth and rich chocolate pudding which in turn is topped with a mountain of whipped cream…I did warn you! This is a pud that you will want to keep a secret from My Fitness Pal, but your secret is safe with me!


For the base:

  • 300g Oreo cookies
  • 75g butter, plus extra for greasing

For the flourless fudge cake layer:

  • 150g soft light brown sugar
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 1tsp vanilla extract or bean paste
  • 3tbsp golden syrup
  • 125g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 75g butter

For the chocolate pudding:

  • 2tbsp cornflour
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1tsp salt
  • 500ml whole milk
  • 175g dark chocolate, chopped

For the topping:

  • 300ml double cream
  • Cocoa powder

Start by preheating your oven to 200°C (180°C fan) and grease a 23cm (9in) loose-bottom cake tin with butter.

To make the base, blitz the Oreos (300g) in a food processor (and sneak a few for yourself) until they form fine crumbs. If you are feeling particularly angry, you can put them in a sealed plastic bag and bash them with a rolling pin until they form fine crumbs or until you feel calmer.

Melt butter (75g) and mix with the biscuit crumbs until they’re well coated. Press the crumbs into the cake tin and push the mixture about 5cm (2in) up the sides of the tin. Use the back of a spoon to make sure the base is firm and then chill

For the delicious fudge cake layer, whisk the soft brown sugar (150g) with the eggs (3) for five minutes until very thick and pale, then add the vanilla. Add golden syrup (3tbsp), dark chocolate (125g), and butter (75g) into a heatproof bowl and set over simmering water until melted. Fold this chocolate mixture into the whisked eggs and sugar until well combined. Then pour this over the chilled base and bake for 25-30 minutes until a crust has formed but the centre has a slight wobble, allow to cool then return to the fridge.

While the fudge layer and base are baking you can make your indulgent chocolate pudding. Combine the cornflour (2tbsp), sugar (100g), and salt (1tsp) in a saucepan and slowly whisk in the milk (500ml) stirring all the time so that lumps don’t form. Cook over a medium heat, stirring occasionally with a spatula for about 10 minutes. Use a whisk if lumps start forming. When it has a custard-like consistency and coats the back of a spoon add your chocolate (175g) and stir for another 3 minutes until the mixture is quite thick. Pour into a glass bowl and cover with clingfilm before chilling in the fridge.

Whisk your cream for the topping, until it forms soft peaks. Pour your chilled chocolate pudding mixture on top of the base and fudge cake and then spoon the whipped cream over the top. Dust with cocoa powder and serve!

This is a chocoholic’s dream, it’s creamy, rich, and indulgent with a delicious crunchy Oreo base, it’s one of my all-time favourite desserts and I hope it becomes one of yours too! As always, tag me in any photos you take if you try this recipe out, I would love to hear your thoughts! x